A John Waters Christmas : Blow It Up

Oh God, he’s back. Like the demented Tooth Fairy, the rabid Easter Bunny, or the grandiose Great Pumpkin, the Old Saint Nick of Nutcases is ready to tour again with his all new holiday comedy show from hell. But John Waters doesn’t need any enslaved reindeer or un-unionized elves, not even a non-binary Mrs Claus. No sirree, he can spread his sticks-and-stones humor all by himself to the bad little boys and girls and thems who have been haughty and anything-but-nice all year.
And wait ’til you see what’s inside his bag of Christmas-Evil presents! Celebrity blow up dolls! New yuletide diseases with booster shots that actually get you high! Kindergarten detention drag shows in Florida! Even gift certificates to the Dark Web for your parents!
O come all ye faithful indeed! We’ll be docking around the Christmas tree, fisting the turkey with stuffing, and snowballing under the mistletoe. It’s a John Water’s Christmas and that’s a miracle! We’re the filthiest people alive and we get down on our knees to celebrate.

A John Waters Christmas
It’s a John Waters Christmas
…and your eyes will pop right out of your head.
Yep, he’s back, with Christmas lunacy throbbing in his veins. Cockeyed. Rabid. Ready to reinfect the lunatic fringe with holiday jeer. “The Pope of Trash”, as William Burrough once called him, is coming to your fair city on his annual festive home-invasion to slide down your chimney of burning gift- wrapped needs, igniting your lust for presents and sparking the sexual desires of the newly perverted. It’ll be a combustion of Christmasly-incorrect kindling that will blaze into a glorious nut-case Noel fire from hell. Go ahead! Knock over that tree! Stomp your presents! Manger Danger! A raging new critical theory that no PTA can ever stop. Scream! Scream again! It’s a John Waters Christmas for Chrissake!